Exploring Used Car Sales

4 Things You Need To Do To Get The Best Financing Deal On Your Vehicle

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When you purchase a new vehicle, it is not just about getting a good price on your vehicle, it is about getting great financing terms as well. Your financing terms will determine how much you actually end up paying for your vehicle. #1 Understand Your Credit Score Before you head to the dealership, you should know what your credit score is. All the major credit companies are required to provide you with a free credit score at least once a year, and there are sites that also provide you with free access to your credit score.…

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Buying A Car On A Small Budget

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Getting a car loan with bad or no credit at all can be a daunting task. More than daunting actually. Even when you go to a lender and explain your circumstances to them, they will run the numbers the same way, and once they have verification that you have no score, either they will throw you out or ask you if you have a credit-worthy co-signer. There are some things you must keep in mind if you want to buy a car with no credit.…

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3 Common Signs Of A Failing Radiator

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Heat is the enemy of many auto parts, especially the  engine. The cooling system is designed to keep the engine from overheating; coolant absorbs the heat from the engine, and then the coolant is transferred to the radiator where it is cooled down before being cycled back to the engine. Having a radiator in good working condition is essential to engine longevity. Unfortunately, radiators do not last forever, so it is important to know the symptoms of a failing radiator.…

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